Who or What Are These Watchers Haunting California Hikers – This Will Blow Your Mind (VIDEO)
There is something that is taught in the Bible that is often misinterpreted or passed over entirely and it is something that is incredibly strange.
In Genesis 6, we are given a brief telling of how wicked the earth had become and that the sons of God took daughters of men as their wives. Then it goes on to say that “The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown.”
Following this, we have the account of the flood and Noah.
There are a few different theories as to who these sons of God and Nephilim were, but there are two primary theories.
The first is that the sons of God were the righteous line of Seth and that they had children with the line of Cain’s progeny.
The second theory, and the one that I believe has the most support is that these sons of God were angelic beings who took human wives and procreated with them, creating the giants known as the Nephilim.
These angels are referred to in the Book of Enoch (which is an extra-biblical writing) as “the Watchers”. We can also find the language of “watchers” used in Daniel chapter 4. We can also find mention of this even in Peter and Jude.
Jude 6 says, “And the angels who did not stay within their own position of authority, but left their proper dwelling, he has kept in eternal chains under gloomy darkness until the judgment of the great day.”
I could go on for days about this, but if you’d really like to learn more about this, search for videos from Dr. Michael Heiser on YouTube. He is the leading expert in this field.
But are the Watchers still watching us? Well, some have wondered for hundreds of years because in California many people have spotted these shadowy figures seemingly watching them.

And there are tons of these photos…even video!
Brocken spectre on Bidean nam Bian, Glencoe yesterday. pic.twitter.com/tziwS2qfSx
— Carol Purcell (@Radioapparat) November 18, 2018
Was up there yesterday too,probably said hello to you 😁 pic.twitter.com/l8HKQwMz33
— Charlie (@IainWatson16) November 18, 2018
For hundreds of years, people have looked up at the hazy peaks of California’s Santa Lucia Mountains at sunset and seen tall, cloaked figures staring back. Then, within moments, the eerie silhouettes disappear.
These twilight apparitions are known as the Dark Watchers — shady, sometimes 10-foot-tall (3 meters) men bedecked in sinister hats and capes. They primarily appear in the afternoon, and according to a recent article on SFGate.com, visitors to California have seen them perched ominously on the mountaintops for more than 300 years.
“When the Spanish arrived in the 1700s, they began calling the apparitions los Vigilantes Oscuros (literally “the dark watchers”),” SFGate managing editor Katie Dowd wrote in the article. “And as Anglo American settlers began staking claims in the region, they too felt the sensation of being watched from the hills.”
So who, or what are they?
The explanation that I have seen is that they’re basically the same thing as when you look at a cloud and see an elephant or a horse. It’s all in your head and you see what you’re looking for.
But is that the truth? What do you think?
Sources: Live Science
Photo Credit: Image credit: Andreas Strauss/ Alamy