This State Is Takes Major Step Toward Making Hormone Blockers and Transgender Surgery Illegal for Kids
With the growing problem of Munchausen syndrome by proxy, there is a trend occurring that is destroying the lives of young children.
For those unfamiliar with the term Munchausen syndrome by proxy, it is a mental disorder and a form of child abuse. The caretaker of a child, most often a mother, either makes up fake symptoms or causes real symptoms to make it look like the child is sick. This can manifest itself in many ways.
I have witnessed this first hand through someone I went to school with. She is so liberal that she has boasted and celebrated the LGBTQ lifestyle that her daughter is now transgender and her son, who is even younger is not exploring that lifestyle as well with doing things like buying his own makeup.
Too often we are now seeing parents put their “transgender” child on hormone blockers or even allowing them to go through with transgender surgery.
Now, one state finally stepping up to prevent these terrible decisions by working toward criminalizing medical professionals who prescribe hormone blockers or advise them to go through with the surgery.
According to The Washington Times, Republican Sen. Shay Shelnutt’s bill, called the Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act, seeks to “make it a felony for doctors and other medical providers to prescribe hormone blockers or surgeries for minors seeking to treat gender dysphoria.”
“I just don’t think, and others don’t think, that kids should be given experimental drugs or surgeries that could have irreversible consequences for the rest of their life,” Sen. Shelnutt told local reporters.
“Kids are not fully developed until later in life,” the Republican added. “I think we can all agree that kids aren’t capable of making certain decisions until certain ages. And so we want to just stop these procedures from happening in Alabama.”
The Daily Wire