Republicans Investigate Possible Corruption in the IRS
Corruption within the IRS? Who would have ever imagined such a thing from the most hated government agency in the entire country?
The company that is the strong arm of the government to steal money from hard working Americans may have some problems that they need to answer for.
One thing that I might point out is that I know that there are still people out there who have not gotten back their tax refund yet. Of course, if you don’t pay on time, you owe them interest, but if they don’t pay you back on time, so what? You just have to suck it up because they’re bigger than you are. This is one of the reasons why I stopped paying in more than necessary throughout the year. What I mean is that instead of me getting back a refund at the end of the tax season, I would pretty much break even. Maybe I would owe $100-$200 or maybe I would get a very small refund.
Today, I am self-employed, and refunds are a thing of the past.
But all of that aside, House Republicans are demanding answers from the IRS after learning that the agency destroyed approximately 30 million paper-filed tax documents last year.
“Committee Republicans are concerned that the destruction of these documents might slow down already inefficient processing procedures and hurt American taxpayers left unaware that the IRS destroyed documents already entrusted into its care,” they wrote.
The letter added that “it appears that the IRS may now demand that taxpayers provide duplicate copies of information previously destroyed by the IRS.”
Some of the documents that were included in this destruction are the documents that they need to verify that Americans paid their taxes such as W-2, 1099, and 1098 forms.
This government is absurd, and this is just another reason why I think it needs a massive reset in some fashion. There are so many laws in place and so many processes that are worthless that we may not even know what all gets lost sometimes.