New Report Released Detailing Georgia Election Manipulation
Garland Favorito has still been on the mission of exposing the frаud That took place in the Georgia election.
Most of the frаud allegations come from Fulton County which is the most populous county in all of Georgia. It’s the county where you find Atlanta.
This week, Favorito held a press conference to discuss and show how the election in Georgia was electronically manipulated.
While we have seen some of the evidence that he has brought forward we haven’t seen all of it and I’m certain that he is fully convinced by the evidence that the election was manipulated.
Here is the press release that came along with the conference:
ATLANTA, March 7, 2022 – VoterGA announced at a press conference today a 15-point analysis that documents clear, irrefutable evidence of how the November 2020 Fulton County election results were electronically manipulated. The analysis was based on a year-long study of ballot images conducted by an expert-laden volunteer research team. The ballot image research was made possible last year when the Georgia legislature passed SB202, which made ballot images public records. The ballot images were collected statewide by a VoterGA Open Records Request team. The 15-point analysis that can be verified through public ballot images at or other sites found the following problems in Fulton County:
1. 17,724 final certified Fulton votes have no ballot images
2. All 374,128 in-person ballot images for the original count are missing
3. 132,284 mail-in ballot images are missing their authentication files
4. 4,000+ tabulator images have impossible duplicate time stamps
5. 104,994 image files in 1,096 batches have impossible, duplicate time stamps
6. All ballot batches were improperly forced to adjudication to facilitate tampering
7. 10 ballots were impossibly adjudicated in one minute by one user
8. 941 Iiage files were backdated prior to adjudication
9. All 16,034 mail-in image authentication files were added days after scanning
10. Same 12 tabulators closed 148 early voting polls masking identity of scanning tabulator
11. One tabulator serial# impossibly closed two polls in same overlapping times
12. One tabulator was never closed and may have added many illegitimate votes
13. Images in 288 batches have backfilled time stamps out of scanning chronological order
14. 85 closing tapes for 12,024 Election Day ballots are unsigned or missing
15. All but two tabulator closing tapes for early voting are unsigned
VoterGA emphasized that while one or two of these may be procedural issues, the electronic tampering found so far is not limited to Fulton. Co-founder Garland Favorito said: “In fairness to Fulton County, they did preserve enough of their ballot images to make some of our research possible. Other counties, like Cobb, destroyed most or all of their original November 2020 images despite federal and state law. This tampering and destruction is proof positive why Georgians cannot trust the 2020 election results. We desperately need an independent multi-county audit immediately to secure our elections before 2022 primaries.”
This is all just like I have said before. As someone who has come from multiple industries that are regulated by the FDA, I know that there needs to be an extreme amount of accountability for processes. You would think that was something as important as a federal election that more diligence would be taken in order to assure the American public that things are being done the right way. But that’s not the case with this election.
When I look at this list that was presented by VoterGA, I can’t help but see so many problems with their processes that needs fixed if we’re ever going to ensure that we have free and fair elections in the future.