Major University Reinstitutes Segregation for Graduation, Look How They’re Dividing Everyone…
I just don’t know what we’re going to do about the Democrats. I’m not going to suggest doing to them what they would have done unto us, though.
If they get their way, they’re going to send the majority of the country to “re-education camps” to brainwash us into becoming liberals.
What I would suggest for Democrats is that someone actually teach them economics, logic, and history. I think that if people had a solid understanding of these three things, our country would be in a much better position than what it is currently.
They need economics because they obviously don’t understand the implications of forcing companies to pay employees more. The amount they pay an employee is something that both parties agree upon and that is usually based on a number of factors such as the cost of good and services along with the total revenue of the business.
They need to understand logic because I have seen firsthand in discussions with people that they completely operate outside of consistent logic. I could point to a red ball and they would tell me that it is a square October.
They need to study history because they are constantly making the same mistakes that many have made in the past and they’re expecting a different outcome. They push for socialism and communism yet they fail to see how that has failed in the past and the millions of lives that it cost people.
Not only that, but liberals are trying to “promote” inclusivity and anti-racism ideas, and that’s fine. We should all be inclusive and non-racist. But their actions suggest the complete opposite.
Columbia University is set to host six separate graduation ceremonies based on sex, race, and income in the name of “multiculturalism.”
The graduations will “complement” the existing school-wide ceremonies. The school’s web page claims that the segregated events will “provide a more intimate setting for students and guests to gather, incorporate meaningful cultural traditions and celebrate the specific contributions and achievements of their communities.”
The ceremonies provided include a “Native Graduation” for Native-American students, a “Lavender Graduation” for students who identify as part of the LGBTQ community, an “Asian Graduation,” a “FLI Graduation” for “first-generation and/or low-income community” members, a “Latinx Graduation,” and a “Black Graduation.”
This is segregation all over again. Liberals are sending our country spiraling back 70-80 years by continuing to divide people by classes. This will never, and I mean NEVER achieve the results that they claim to want.
Daily Wire