Liberal Snowflake Accuses Caitlyn Jenner of “Blantant Transphobia” After Sharing Meme
Have you ever heard or seen of snakes that will eat themselves?
Well, it’s true. It’s absolutely wild, but after all, it is a wild animal that doesn’t have the brain capacity that we as humans do, well…at least some of us humans.
Take a look below and you’ll see what I mean.
This is just like how Democrats are. They are literally eating themselves alive.
It’s not surprising because they have become so intolerant of absolutely everyone that they can’t tolerate anyone but themselves.
One snowflake recently accused Caitlyn Jenner of being transphobic. Take that in. This person accused a trans-person…of being transphobic.
The accusation came after Jenner shared a meme that Donald Trump Jr. posted. Well, the snowflake didn’t like that Jenner shared this so they went on the attack.
“Reposting @donaldjtrumpjr pic says volumes about both your self hatred and your blatant transphobia. I know this rage. I lived with it for years and it is still a cacophony of voices that haunt me.
But I am not running for a public office and I am not a self proclaimed “role model”.
You’re in a spiral of spiritual chaos and your search for admiration and public approval is just as transparent as your egocentric, pseudo-Republican, rich, white, privileged lifestyle you flaunt, pretending to be some sort of everyday citizen caring about everyday events.With your private airplane hanger full of lies and your million dollar shoes, you have as much in common with us, as we do with you. It isn’t your Transness people are bothered by, it’s your behavior as a human, Caitlyn. Your profound need to be liked is sadly backfiring.
You’re dangerous and not only do you not know it, even if you knew it, you wouldn’t believe it. Because no one really exists in your world, but you.You have no regard for human kind and no space for the knowledge of it. You are fearful of both yourself and any kind of newness and you navigate with a well of anger in your heart that is deeply disturbing. And apparent to all of us.
But again, I see it because I know it.If there’s a small piece of you that remembers what human frailty feels like, I appeal to that. Think of others. Think of the Trans youth who believe you to be some sort of super human. Your example is warped.
I cannot tell you those terrible voices will ever go away, they haven’t for me, but every day that I am able to navigate that ache of self harm born of my own denial of my divine light, I am just a little bit freer.
Free yourself, Caitlyn. By doing that, you may set the greatest example of your life.
And that might turn out to be the most beautiful way you can serve both our State and our community.
In that, you may actually turn out to be a true hero.
Self reflection takes divine courage.”
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Just give it enough time and the Democrats will all be gone. They’ll get tired of one another and realize that they’ve been stupid all this time, or they’ll just all die off since they don’t or can’t procreate (same-sex relationships).