Hollywood Celeb Sends Her Kids to “Vegan School” That Teaches Plants Have Feelings and Emotions
Megan Fox is one of the nuttiest celebs when it comes to being politically correct and embracing our degenerative culture.
The Transformers star said that in addition to letter her son wear dresses to school, she also sends her kids to a vegan school that teaches them that plants have feelings, emotions, and even their own thoughts. I’d sure like to see the science behind this garbage.
Fox said,
“We send them to an organic, sustainable, vegan school where they’re seed-to-table, they plant their own food. They grow it, they harvest it and they take it to local restaurants to sell it, so they understand how all of that works.”
“I’m very specific about never harming animals. We don’t step on ants; we don’t do things like that. We don’t rip flowers out of the ground, because we think they’re beautiful. I teach them that plants are sentient beings — they have feelings, thoughts and emotions — so that’s what we’re doing.”
Fox then mentioned an incident in which her son killed a roly-poly on accident after stepping on it…and they actually had a funeral for it.
“My son accidentally stepped on a roly-poly once and he was devastated, and we had a full funeral for it. We did a ceremony, we buried it, we lit sage, we released him back. So they’re very involved.”
Fox’s husband, actor Brian Austin Green said that they encourage their kids to be “whoever they are.” What is that even supposed to mean?
“We don’t encourage them to be themselves, we just encourage whoever they are. I know for me, [the more time passes,] the more I really realize and am okay with the fact that they are people.”
Those are the two worst sentences I’ve read all month. It doesn’t even make sense. Being themselves is a present state of awareness and acting in accordance with their own personality, and that’s the same thing as the predicate of that first sentence. And as for being okay that they are people…I don’t know what to do with that statement.
People have become so concerned about being politically correct that they’ve lost all awareness of logic and reality.