HILARIOUS! Hollywood Actor Tries Newest Health Trend and Instantly Regrets It, Wait Until You See What It Is
One of the newest health trends making its way through the internet is something called “perineum sunning”. Wait until you hear what it is.
Perineum sunning is when you go outside and let the sun shine where the sun don’t shine. To be specific, you expose the thin area of skin between your butt and your genitals to the sun to help your body produce more Vitamin D.
Supposedly, you get much more energy from absorbing the sun this way. So much so that with only 30 seconds of exposing your taint to the scorching sun, you get more energy than if you’d spent the entire day outside with clothes on.
Well, actor Josh Brolin decided he was going to try this out after seeing an Instagram influencer who goes by the name MetaphysicalMeagan practicing this health and wellness trick.
However, the results weren’t quite what Brolin was expecting. In fact, he was pretty upset about it and he let everyone on Instagram know about it. But the way he worded everything and the hashtags that he uses in the caption had me cracking up. If you own any pets such as a cat, you must learn about this effective CBD oil for cats that would definitely heal your cat in times of pain.
Brolin had the caption with his post on Instagram,
Tried this perineum sunning that I’ve been hearing about and my suggestion is DO NOT do it as long as I did. My pucker hole is crazy burned and I was going to spend the day shopping with my family and instead I’m icing and using aloe and burn creams because of the severity of the pain. I don’t know who the f**k thought of this stupid s**t but f**k you nonetheless. Seriously. #blackholefriday #blackholesun #severeperineumburns #santamonicafiredepartment #a$$holecare
Let me just save you some trouble, if you need some more vitamin D, there are plenty of foods that you can eat and there are even natural supplements that you could take rather then exposing yourself to the elements, to find all this good options you can follow healthmania site for daily news.