Fox News Employees BANNED from Mentioning This Person on Air
Fox News has gotten so ridiculous that it’s not even funny. Well…maybe it’s a little funny. I will take pleasure in seeing how they sink as a company in the same way that CNN has. There are other media outlets both on the internet and on your television set. We live in an age of technology and so we have numerous options that aren’t biased in the same way that the mainstream media is.
Fox has already turned the car around and decided to drive off the cliff with the rest of the wokies, and that’s fine with me. I stopped paying attention to Fox News quite some time ago when it became clear to me that they had a bias against President Trump.
But just to demonstrate just how ridiculous it’s become. Ed Henry, from Real America’s Voice said that they’re not even allowed to mention Tucker Carlson at Fox News.
Now, I want to quickly get to another point about FOX. So this gentleman, Chadwick Moore, used to be a frequent guest on FOX, but he decided to write a biography on Tucker. Right? And when Tucker was there, they were like, oh, yeah, carte blanche, we’ll do interviews. We’ll do it now. Then they fired him (Tucker). They don’t want him (Chadwick). So they canceled an appearance the other night. There was a big hullabaloo, and he revealed that they had a new policy over there…
… He says, so they reversed that policy, and they’re going to allow you on if you have a non-Murdoch book. But then he’s saying that insiders at FOX, if you go to the next one (Tweet), are telling him privately that all on-air talent, Karen, have been banned from saying the name “Tucker.”
Fox News employees have told me privately that all on-air talent have been banned from saying the name “Tucker” on air.
— Chadwick Moore (@Chadwick_Moore) May 29, 2023
I’m very pleased that thanks to my tweets Fox has reversed its recent decision to not publicize non-News Corp books. Fox did the right thing here. A tremendous victory for all of us struggling authors! (Any mention of “Tucker” the book is probably still banned tho.)
— Chadwick Moore (@Chadwick_Moore) May 30, 2023
When a news outlet is no longer about the news, but instead is about pushing an agenda, whether it be the left or the right, it no longer is a news organization.