Elementary School Opens “After School Satan Club” to Corrupt Young Children
When I was a kid, I always wanted to participate in the after-school program that my elementary school had.
I always thought it was just something fun that some kids got to do because their parents paid for it.
Now that I’m older, I realize that the after-school program was mainly for parents who couldn’t be home after school for their children because they were both working jobs. Either that or maybe mom wanted some extra time at home instead of spending time with her children.
But things have changed since I was a kid and the after-school programs are not the same anymore. Today, some of them are literally just evil.
An Illinois school district is defending an after-school program being offered by The Satanic Temple, a national religious and human rights group.
Many parents are reportedly furious over the meetings that will be held at Jane Addams Elementary School in Moline.
Dr. Rachel Savage, the superintendent for Moline-Coal Valley Schools, said the school and its teachers are not involved in the club. Flyers were placed in the lobby of the school and parents must sign a permission slip to allow their children to attend, just as they do for Boys and Girls Scouts or any other club.
All of this is really just disgusting. First of all, these so-called satanic temples really have no legitimate concept of what the term “satan” really means. Even if they did, it would just prove that they really are evil.
For some reason, the After School Satan Clubs seem to believe that after-school programs are all about evangelizing children. Now, as I said, I never got to participate in after-school programs as a child, but I at least knew things about them and I do not ever remember there being any sort of Christian proselytization happening.
If this were really about cultural awareness and science, then why are they basing it and naming it after a biblical figure that they don’t believe in?