BREAKING: Governor Signs Bill Mandating Audit of Fraudulent 2020 Election Results!
Conservatives have been fighting tooth and nail for election integrity. I mean, it’s common sense, right? You want to have the most accurate and fair elections possible.
Liberals have been fighting back just as hard to prevent securing our election process and instead have tried putting in place laws that make it easier to cheat in an election.
The Democrat Party has gone so far as to hire thousands of lawyers to tie up states, which are trying to pass legislation to rebuild America’s election confidence.
However, one of the many states that are not cowing to the radical agenda is New Hampshire. New Hampshire’s lawmakers have unequivocally pushed to rebuild the state’s confidence in its elections. For our country as a whole, this is critical to the future of our democracy.
The importance of New Hampshire Senate Bill SB43 cannot be minimized in importance just because it is one isolated location. What is most alarming is the massive percentage of the discrepancy uncovered by an audit.
The problem happened in Windham, New Hampshire, the reason the bill is referred to as The Windham Act SB43. Windham is a suburban community Rockingham County. The primary focus of SB43 is a forensic audit of ballots.
What makes the election irregularities in Windham so eyebrow raising is the difference in machine counted votes and the audit. There were over 1,300 problems found out of a total vote count of just over 10,000. That’s more than inconsequential.
Imagine for a moment, if that magnitude of error happened in other disputed election results across the country. Some believe it did. We might have a different man fulfilling his civic duty as a second-term President of the United States.
The discovered discrepancies and subsequent push in New Hampshire will hopefully serve as a lightning rod for other parts of the country. This bogus idea that election fraud was not significant is a cop out. No election fraud is acceptable in a democracy that depends on election integrity.
New Hampshire Senator Bob Giuda, with the help of other conservative minds, helped to orchestrate the passage of The Windham Act. The bill roared through New Hampshire’s Election Law Committee. All 20 members voted to approve SB43 unanimously.
Most New Hampshire lawmakers see the obvious significance of this bill. Over 85 percent of the ballots in New Hampshire are counted the same way votes were tallied in Windham. If this sort of discrepancy occurred statewide, it could alter the final outcome of any election.
There is proof of disturbing election results from November, 3, 2020, all across the United States. The idea that one state is taking these discrepancies seriously is refreshing. It may also send a signal to other legislators to do the same. The Windham Act SB 43 in New Hampshire is a win for election common sense. The United States needs more.