BOMBSHELL! CBS News Caught Staging “Fake Patient” in COVID-19 Testing
We are constantly being lied to by everyone basically. The government and the mainstream media are all lying to us about this pandemic.
As someone who has to immerse himself in the news constantly in order to provide you all with the big stories that are happening, I see both sides of the coin on all these matters, and I could write multiple articles just on some of the information that I’ve gathered over the last few months.
I’ll admit that I’ve been on both sides of this. At first, the virus was a bit unnerving because we didn’t know much about it. But after having to force myself to stay current with the facts, I’ve learned that this thing isn’t all that we’re being told.
There have been dozens of people ranging from nurses to doctors and more who are exposing the fraud. One man is now exposing CBS News for staging a fake event as well.
According to Project Veritas,
A CBS News crew pulled medical professionals off the floor at the Cherry Medical Center in Grand Rapids, Michigan, to line up in their vehicles so a CBS film crew would have a long line for their COVID-19 coverage.
“Our insider witnessed the whole thing and came to Project Veritas, because he knew we would protect him,” said James O’Keefe, the founder and CEO of Project Veritas.
“The insider told us that medical personnel were taken away from treating patients and making the line longer for actual patients wait for the COVID-19 test,” he said.
O’Keefe asked the man, “You’re telling me you’re a hundred percent certain that CBS News, CBS News Corporation–national, staged a fake event. They faked the news. They faked the reality and broadcasted that to all of their audience last Friday on “CBS This Morning.”
The man replied with, “A hundred percent. Absolutely.”