New Book from Medical Doctor Alleges Forgery and Cover-Up in JFK Evidence
Within minutes of the assassination of JFK, the Secret Service had quickly enacted a cover-up process by cleaning the blood from the limousine, thus destroying valuable crime scene evidence. Further complicating matters was the fact that they would not allow an inspection of the front window while it remained in the car.
In 1993, former White House Advance Team Member Jerry Blaine Whitaker gave an interview about his experience replacing the windshield for President Kennedy’s limousine on Monday, November 25th at River Rouge Assembly Plant in Dearborn, Michigan. According to him, there was a hole 4-6 inches to the driver’s side of the rear-view mirror. This indicates that a shot had come from directly ahead which is consistent with properties of standard safety glass as was present in automobiles at that time.
Renowned physicist and medical doctor David W. Mantik has conducted extensive research into this matter and published his findings in a book titled “The JFK Assassination Decoded: Criminal Forgery in the Autopsy Photographs and X-rays”. In this work he presents photographic evidence of where one bullet appears to hit Kennedy’s limousine at Zapruder Film Frame 255 (coincident with Altgen’s Photo #6). This fatefully took place mere seconds before shots to JFK’s head occurred after Frame 300 as depicted in Abraham Zapruder’s iconic film footage of that fateful day.
Mantik also found further confirmation during JFK’s autopsy that there was a 5 centimeter contusion at JFK’s right lung apex, which could not have been caused by Dr Malcolm Perry’s tracheotomy attempt at Parkland Hospital earlier that day but instead suggested a bullet entering near midline of JFK’s throat around third tracheal ring with its trajectory going obliquely towards his right lung where it stopped without causing deep penetration from JFK’s back wound, contradicting and disproving what is known as the single-bullet theory adopted by government authorities following these events.
Douglas Horne, who served as Chief Analyst for Military Records on the Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB), reviewed Mantik’s book and agreed with his conclusions regarding three headshots hitting JFK.
Both Horne and Mantik agree three headshots hit JFK:
- a shot low in the posterior skull, from the rear (probably fired from the second-floor window of the Dal-Tex building), blowing out the “head flap” on JFK’s that the Zapruder film shows prominently.
- an almost simultaneous shot from the right front (probably fired from well down the grassy knoll, near where the triple overpass meets the knoll)
- a third almost simultaneous shot from the right front (fired from near the corner of the grassy knoll stockade fence), hitting JFK above and slightly behind the right ear.
In addition to validating Mantik’s analysis using X-rays, Horne concluded that “Mantik’s conclusions… prove there was a massive U.S government cover up regarding how JFK was killed.”
The Secret Service cleaned blood from the limousine and blocked inspection of the front window, which destroyed valuable crime scene evidence, soon after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. A former White House Advance Team member said there was a hole 4-6 inches to the driver’s side of the rear-view mirror, indicating a shot came from directly ahead. Medical doctor and physicist David W. Mantik published a book where he presents photographic evidence of a bullet hitting Kennedy’s limousine at Zapruder Film Frame 255, proving there were three shots on JFK and contradicting the single-bullet theory. Douglas Horne, Chief Analyst for Military Records on the Assassination Records Review Board, agreed with Mantik’s conclusions and found a massive U.S government cover up regarding how JFK was killed.