Al Sharpton Makes Blasphemous Claim, ‘Bible Endorses Abortion’ (VIDEO)
Reverend Al Sharpton, who doesn’t deserve that title, recently claimed that the Bible is supportive of abortion.
“The Bible, if you’re using this as a religious argument, the Bible is about choice,” he said.
I don’t know if he realizes it, but that’s not good enough to be an argument. Stealing is about choice. Murder is about choice. Crimes are about choice, so just claiming that the decision to destroy the life of a human being is about choice falls well short of any sort of coherent argument.
According to Life News,
President of National Action Network and MSNBC PoliticsNation host Al Sharpton joined Chris Jansing Reports on Thursday to discuss abortion and religion. Sharpton didn’t understand how one could be a good Christian and be pro-life because, according to him, “the Bible is about choice.”
Jansing led Sharpton with some polling data, “there was a Gallup poll back, I think it was the fall of 2020 showing the black committee has slowly become more accepting of abortion over the past couple of decades, but there are deeply held religious beliefs playing into this, especially with older black voters who are incredibly reliable and incredibly important to Democrats. So, how should Democrats be thinking about this? Because obviously they want and need to hold onto those voters.”
The reasoning behind this is simple for a Christian. The reason that we believe that abortion is wrong is because it unjustly kills a human being who is a fellow image bearer of God. It needlessly takes a human life and that is called murder.
Nowhere does the Bible endorse killing babies. This is a heavily perverted way of understanding scripture. Nowhere in Scripture are we given the “choice” as to whether or not we can murder an innocent child.
“Well, what about rape and incest and blah blah blah?” Nope. Being the victim of a crime doesn’t mean that you can go slaughter someone who is innocent.
“Well, it’s my body…” No, it’s not. You do not have two different DNAs. You do not have two hearts. You do not have have four eyes. If you have all of those things, then you’re not human, because that’s not characteristics of human beings.