UPDATE: Rumor Has It…Gavin Newsom is Missing From Public Eye Because of This…
Yesterday, we reported on the absence of Gavin Newsom from the public eye.
This isn’t something that normally happens to “leaders”, but when it does it is almost always because there is something wrong with them.
Think about back when everyone was wondering about North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. Nobody knew what was wrong with him or where he was.
Some thought he was sick with COVID, some thought he was dead. Everyone was pretty much prepared to accept that he was dead and that his sister was going to take the reins in the hermit kingdom.
Later, he finally make an appearance to show that he was alive, but he was indeed sick for some time. And you notice right away that he lost some weight.
So when Newsom went missing, we started wondering what was going on as well. It makes it even more suspicious
It’s being rumored that Gavin Newsom is missing from the public eye because following his booster he developed Bell’s pаlsy or Guillаin-Bаrre syndrome.
A Fox News article reported that his press secretary Daniel Lopez would begin making normal appearances again sometime this week, but offered no explanation as to where he’s been. Doesn’t that just scream something is wrong?
Of course, it does. They want to just play it off like nothing is happening, but we all know better and know that there is more to the story.
Stever Kirsch offered the following reasons for coming to the conclusion that he has suffered an injury as a result of the third helping of the you-know-what:
- Twitter reports of facial pаrаlysis (my first thought was Bell’s pаlsy).
- Emails with my friends say it is GBS (either can cause facial paralysis).
- I had a “soft” confirmation from a friend who absolutely knows him. The friend acted in a way consistent with the hypothesis that he has Bell’s pаlsy.
- I’ve heard from two lawyers, both of whom told me he has GBS. One lawyer talked to two different very close friends of Gаvin and got the exact same story: GBS.
- There is an article about it on the CHD website (archived here)
- Confirmation in multiple checks done by Alex J0nes.