Five Counties Vote to Leave Their Liberal State to Join Conservative Neighbor
Until recently, I was never a big proponent of secession.
The big thing that shifted my opinion on secession being absolutely necessary for us to get along with one another is the November election and the way that liberals treat non-liberals.
I think the best thing would be for each state to govern itself entirely and that the President and Congress having almost no authority over the states.
The reason I say this is because you know as well as I do that our country is at the most divisive point that it’s been at, possibly since the Civil War or the days of segregation. Honestly, we’re back to segregation all over again, just to a greater extreme.
Perhaps the best thing for our nation is to actually divide it up into liberal and conservative portions because to be quite honest, neither one of us want to live with the other if they’re going to be nasty. It’s typically braindead liberals that cause the biggest stink becasuse…well, you’ve seen them. But I do know that conservatives can have their moments as well.
We don’t want the same laws so we should have areas where our laws fit our preferences.
Well, there is an effort to makes something like this happen in Oregon as five counties have voted to leave Oregon and join their nextdoor neighbor, Idaho.
These counties have nothing in common with liberal Portland and that far left area and their ideology better lines up with Idaho, so why not just joing Idaho?
They’re actually hoping to have 4 more counties join the effort as well. In order for this to happen though, the super leftist Governor Kate Brown would have to sign off on it. This, of course, won’t happen because they would lose funding, representation in the House, etc. They would have nothing to gain from it. I’m not sure if there is a method of overriding the governor’s decision with a vote, but there needs to be.