BREAKING: Audit Team Will Look US Senate Race After Finding Local GOP Candidates Consistently Shorted Votes
But this past election was the most “secure” election in history, right?
While there has been a lot of focus from us on the forensic audit being conducted in Maricopa County, Arizona, this certainly isn’t the only audit that is happening or has happened.
In fact, you may recall that we previous reported that after hand-counting the ballots in Windham, New Hampshire for the Rockingham District 7 House race, it was found that the Dominion-owned voting machines shorted every single Republican by 300 votes.
In New Hampshire, he noted, the AccuVote optical scanners used in all communities that have voting machines are an “older technology” and each moderator uses the device’s results tape, at the end of the night, to reveal the results, on a paper “Return of Votes” form. AccuVote devices have been used for more than a quarter of a century in the state and are the only devices approved by the Ballot Law Commission.
“The device was originally manufactured by Unisys, then by Global Elections Systems Inc., which are no longer in business,” Yen said. “The device used in New Hampshire is no longer being manufactured. Dominion (Voting Systems) owns the intellectual property of the AccuVote and its related election management system but does not manufacture the device.”
How is it that there is so much variation in these machines? As a computer nerd, this sort of thing shouldn’t even happen. Either the machines are garbage or someone has something screwy in the software that is purposely causing the numbers to be counted the way that they were.
The results of the election were not affected by the miscount, but there were other locations where the election results were actually overturned.
But now, there is going some investigation into whether or not the same sort of discrepancies appears in the U.S. Senate races.