BOMBSHELL! Democrats Try Bribing Jovan Pulitzer with $10 MILLION to Do This! (VIDEO)
For months and months now, people have been trying to conduct an audit on the ballots that were counted in the 2020 election.
Democrats have fought tooth and nail to keep this from happening. There reason is obvious. When there is something to hide, they’re going to try and keep it hidden. If there was no reason to be concerned about what might be found, then they wouldn’t be wasting time, money, and resources in trying to keep these audits from taking place.
This is happening in Arizona, Wisconsin, and Georgia and possibly even more.
One of the names that you are probably familiar with is Jovan Hutton Pulitzer who is a forensic analyst and an expert on the forensics of paper. He can tell you anything you want to know about a document and especially if it’s fake.
Recently, in an interview with professor David. K. Clements, Pulitzer dropped a bombshell.
Clements introduced Pulitzer,
“I am joined by a modern day Benjamin Franklin. Jovan Hutton Pulitzer is a world renowned entrepreneur, inventor, and most importantly, a PATRIOT. Jovan holds HUNDREDS of patents on technology used by billions of people around the world. He is also the chief authority on kinematic artifact scanning. He can detect a myriad of different forms of fraud on any piece of paper. This includes ELECTION BALLOTS. Meet the most feared expert in the world that every corrupt politician is trying to stop. Our country’s future hangs in the balance. We address it all on this episode of The Professor’s Record
It was after this that Pulitzer made everyone aware of just how corrupt the Democrats are:
“Two things. I had, and just so you know how bad this is, and I’m going to give you a nugget that nobody outside of my inner circle knows this. I got offered $10 million dollars to not do this.
I have no price. It can’t be done. This is about America. There isn’t enough money in America to turn us communist and to sell out America. I’ll take the bullet to the head. And, maybe that’s what’s waiting for me.”