Biden Administration Rewinding the Times to Push for Segregation
I’ve come to the conclusion that liberals honestly are separated from reality.
That sounds like a joke, I know, but there’s no real explanation for how insane they are when it comes to so many things. Things that we’ve dealt with in history, but since they want to erase and revise our history, they are doomed to repeat it.
The left may scream that President Trump was a racist and enacted racist policies, but those are lies, lies, lies. President Trump did a lot of work to try and mend racial relations on so many levels, but it doesn’t matter to liberals, because they are willfully blinded to seeing it.
If I asked you to tell me what segregation is I don’t imagine that you would have any problem in describing it. The simplest definition is separating something. In terms of racial relations, segregation would be separating groups of people by their races.
Literally, all you have to do is look less than 100 years ago and see what segregation looked like. It was black schools, white schools, black restaurants, white restaurants, black drinking fountains, white drinking fountains, etc.
Apparently, that’s what the left wants once again because this reflects the policies that they’re enacting, especially when it comes to education.
We’ve already seen the garbage curriculum crap that they promote and push through schools, but now Biden’s Department of Education has decided that racially segregated affinity groups in schools are not segregation.
Racial “affinity groups” are used in both K-12 and higher education institutions across the nation. They separate students and staff by race in hopes of giving black people a “safe space” to discuss their experiences with racism while providing a separate space for white people to learn about their “white privilege.”
The investigation into race-based groups was prompted by a complaint from a whistleblower teacher in a Chicago-area school district. The Evanston-Skokie School District was pushing “racial equity” training programs and lesson plans on students and staff.
Daily Wire